How to Get Big Shoulders - The Absolute Best Shoulder Building Exercise!

Wondering how to get big shoulders? Of course you are - every guy wants big, muscular shoulders. A well developed upper body is a visual sign of strength and it goes without saying that women find that muscular V-shape - which is complimented by well developed shoulders - to be very desirable.

How To Get Big Shoulders

In order to get big shoulders - and gain muscle mass in general - you have to be training properly, eating right and resting enough. There's 3 pieces to the puzzle so to speak and if one of the pieces is missing, the final product - in this case, your muscular development - won't come together as you had hoped.

There's really a lot to the science of bodybuilding that go beyond the scope a single article so what I'll discuss here are my personal recommendations regarding shoulder exercises. My top pick for adding mass to your shoulders is the..

Overhead Dumbbell Press: If you only had time to perform a single shoulder exercise - this is it. The overhead dumbbell press will give you the most "bang for your buck" so to speak. It can be performed while standing, sitting on a bench or even sitting on the floor with your legs extended. You can perform the press with both arms simultaneously - which is the most popular method - or you can perform it using one arm at a time.

Out of all the different versions, you'll be able to lift the most weight while sitting on an upright bench - although I personally prefer to perform the exercise while standing up. When you perform the exercise from a standing position, you won't have the added stability of the bench and therefore, you'll have to recruit muscles within the core to help you stabilize the movement.

The version where you're sitting on the floor is performed with one arm at a time. You won't be able to lift much weight with this version at all. It's most efficient as a core stabilization exercise and because of that, if you're goal is to add muscle mass to your shoulders - you should stick to the standing and upright bench seated versions.

So by now you might be wondering exactly how to perform this exercise. What good is taking about it if I'm not going to show you exactly how to do it, right? Well, don't worry - I got you covered! Just click the link below to view step by step instructions and even a video demonstration of the exercise.

Overhead Dumbbell Press

It's Your Lucky Day, Here's Why..

I mentioned above that there's a lot to learn about the science of bodybuilding and that I couldn't possibly explain it all within a single article. Well, because of that - I wrote a book on it instead! The book - which is entitled "Jacked Tactics" - comes in an electronic format so you can access it immediately.

This sounds like a sales pitch, but it isn't. I will be selling the package in the near future but for now I'm going to be giving away some advanced copies for free so people will try it out and hopefully give me testimonials based on their results.

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