What Do You Do to Add Strength to Your Body?

A well-shaped body contour is good, but that is not the only requirement of healthy human system. We all have heard about balanced diet, but how many of us are actually aware of what it consists of? The balanced diet is what you need to keep yourself in a good state and strengthen your system.

One of the important parts of the balanced diet that most of us tend to take for granted is protein. Your each tissue is made up of protein. It is the source of life for each cell. Muscles, bones, organs and even hormones in your system use protein. Moreover, the skin, nails and hair are made up of protein. In short, you cannot avoid proteins in your diet and still remain in good state.

What happens when you consume protein?

Protein is considered important because it is a macronutrient. It is required by the body in a larger amount since it supports almost every organ function. Consumed food rich in protein is converted into amino acids inside your body. These amino acids are combined to form proteins again that can be used by the body. These proteins are used to carry out various tasks by various organs and for formation of new cells and replacement of tissues.

What makes protein a necessary daily-intake?

Your body is going through innumerable changes every day. You shed the dead skin, nails and hair as well as your body needs to break down food you intake. There is growth taking place constantly and you perform tasks that require you to put physical efforts- all this makes you utilise proteins in your system. Therefore, a constant supply of protein is a must for optimal body functions.

You need to take proteins on daily basis also because your body cannot store proteins. Whatever you consume as protein is absorbed as amino acids in the system. The body has the capacity to make amino acids on its own but there are a certain number of amino acids which cannot be produced and these are called as essential amino acids. To fulfil this need you should consume food that is rich in essential amino acids.

Choose the healthy sources of protein

There are mainly two sources of protein that is, animal sources and plant sources. In order to get complete protein, which includes essential amino acids you should consume protein from animal sources. Fish, meat and dairy products like egg, milk and cottage cheese are some of the examples of proteins from animal sources. In case you prefer vegetarian diet, soy products, legumes like black beans and lentils, nuts and seeds are the best sources of protein.

Not every protein-rich food is good

A word of caution- anything beyond requirement is not good. The same applies to the consumption of protein. The macronutrient is required by the body but to a certain limit. Moreover, every food item that contains protein in higher amount may not be good. For instance, non-vegetarian food items are packed with proteins but they are also loaded with lots of unhealthy fats. And if not fats, these food items are packed with lots of sodium in them.

A little bit awareness about nutrients in every food can help you to understand its daily intake. Protein is many times held responsible for allergies as well. A research at Harvard School of Public Health has also proved that eating red meat leads to cardiovascular diseases.

Protein can be called as source of power that helps you to elongate your life. Nonetheless eating just any protein-rich food is not the solution, look for the sources that provide protein without you losing on health aspects. To ensure you get healthy proteins with all amino acids, include variety of protein rich food in your diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Suraj_Prakash

5 Must Haves For Fitness

To get on the path to fitness, you need a little more than willpower to get tangible results in a short amount of time. Motivation, while a huge driving factor in how well you do, really only forms the foundation of your goals; no matter how dedicated you are, if you don't go about things in the right way then you're simply not going to get the results that you want, which is probably the easiest way to demotivate yourself and end up back at square one before you even realise it.

There are tonnes of accessories, tools and aids to help spur you on while exercising and get the most out of your workout every time. Here's just 5 things that every fitness fanatic needs, and that's only beginning to scratch the surface!

1. Proper Footwear

A good pair of trainers are a must for anyone looking to get serious about fitness. A cheap or flimsy pair of shoes might be tempting from a price standpoint, but it can seriously impact on your workout, and not in a good way. Good shoes can improve your balance and help you properly distribute your weight whilst putting less strain on your feet. It's also recommended that you have a few pairs that you swap out your shoes regularly to reduce risk of injury.

2. Water Bottles

Hydration is the key to keeping up momentum and staying in good health, and you need to be able to rehydrate when out and about. A water bottle is an absolute must; one with a good grip and plenty of capacity for your energy drinks, water and so on. They're easy to get, cheap to buy and completely invaluable.

3. Supplements

Speaking of protein, there are some great sports supplement powders out there that can give your workout a boost (though they should never be used as a substitute for meals and proper nutrition). Muscle gain protein is a popular choice for people trying to build mass, for instance. Depending on your goals

4. Protein Shakers

Speaking of supplements, you'll need something to make sure that your supplements are properly shaken, mixed and ready for drinking. MET-Rx protein shakers are a great brand and really useful when you've had a busy workout and can't face having to mix up your next protein shake from scratch.

5. Nutrition!

It's not just about what you do during your workout. What you do outside of exercise is just as important, especially when it comes to your diet. Everything that you put into your body will have some kind of impact on your health, be it good or bad, and it's imperative that you embark on your new fitness regimen with a good understanding of nutrition and a proper dietary plan in place.

There is so much more that can be done to maximise the effectiveness of your workout and get the results that you want. You don't have to follow every rule and piece of advice that you come across, but it's a good idea to incorporate some of these lifestyle choices and accessories into your life to keep yourself motivated and ready to go.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Helen

This Year's Best Kettlebell Workout

There are many who wonder where the strength of Russian kettlebell masters is coming from. Well, the masters owe it to their core - their core muscles. These masters have already conditioned their bodies in engaging their core muscles in most movements they make. This only means that whenever they are lifting something, they are not only using their arms and hands.

Whenever these masters are lifting, they use more of the muscular power from their abdominal muscles and other connected muscles. To sum it up, they can use around a hundred or almost near a hundred percent of total muscular strength when lifting. This can't be compared to anyone using only the legs or arms for working out. Lower extremities can provide 50% or even less to a person's overall muscular power whereas 25% is exerted by the arms.

It is the main reason why masters of Russian kettlebells are very strong that they can even be called as "superhumans" with how they are using their bodies. If you are interested with having the same strength as what kettlebell masters have then there are workouts that you can do to have similar strength with them. What you only need is the heaviest Russian kettlebell that you are able to lift and you begin the exercises as soon as possible.

Are you ready to begin this years's best kettlebell workouts? Great! Now, let's begin.

Kettlebell Double Rows

One of the considered undertrained muscles that are also difficult to train and target is the back muscles. Luckily, with just using 2 kettlebells, you can train your back muscles and start increasing its strength in just several weeks.

This exercise is your best partner to develop your back power and arm strength. Putting 2 kettlebells on each of your feet's side, start bending at your waist until you achieve half-squat pose while your knees are bent slightly. Picking up the kettlebells, pull them to the level of your invisible pocket while making sure that your back muscles are being used for pulling it. Avoid letting your arms do the work!

Let your back muscles handle the load and slowly let your back muscles pull the resistance. Perform it in 5 sets of 10 repetitions. In this exercise, you can also start using lighter kettlebells and turn to heavier ones as you progress.

Kettlebell Double Swings

This is where your knowledge about kettlebell workouts could start. It is considered as the basic movement where other forms of exercises are derived, so, you must perfect it. For practicing your strength and coordination, it is recommended that you use both hands as you swing the kettlebells. Get started with putting the kettlebell just in front and slowly go in a squatting position while taking a firm grip on the handle. Gather all force on your core and then straighten up.

In this position, your kettlebell will be swinging upward. As it reaches your chin level, just use a split second to let go and it will break its momentum that will make it descend. While the kettlebell is going down, just follow its downward arc to finish the swing. When you perfect this exercise, you can slowly do other exercise like the one mentioned above.

Richard been training with Russian kettlebells for more than ten years. In that time, I've gained a huge amount of knowledge about Russian kettlebell training. As a kettlebell expert, it is my goal to help anyone who wishes to cut fat and sculpt their muscles in half the time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_P_Jones

5 Hardgainer Tips For Skinny Guys Who Want To Be Bodybuilders

Ectomorphs are called hardgainers because, well, it's hard for them to gain muscle. Having a taller, thin body with small wrist and ankle joints is a dead giveaway that your frame isn't genetically-optimized for building and carrying a lot of muscle - but that certainly shouldn't hold you back when it comes to becoming a bodybuilder, because EVERYONE can build and maintain lean muscle mass!

Here are 5 hardgainer tips for skinny guys and girls who want to be bodybuilders:

Hardgainer Tip #1: Have Realistic Expectations 

Ectomorphs will never win the Mr. Olympia title - but neither will 99.999% of other bodybuilders either. All over the world there are bodybuilders working hard in the gym for a thousand hours a year while eating right, sleeping right and taking all kinds of supplements and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) - and at that level you need everything to be on point - including your genetics. But building muscle, have a great body and looking great in the gym or on the beach can be achieved by hardgainers, even without the genetics of a gorilla or truckloads of PEDs.

Most likely you already have one major advantage over other bodybuilders - very little bodyfat. Typically a hardgainer has a fast metabolism and is no more genetically predisposed to carrying much bodyfat than he or she is to building muscle. So as you visualize the body you want to build, picture yourself with a bit less bodyfat than you're currently carrying and with more muscle mass. How much more? That's going to depend on YOU - how relentless you are in your pursuit of a bodybuilder physique.

Hardgainer Tip #2: Train Smart In The Gym

As a skinny guy trying to build bigger muscles, you have to train smart and stick to the proven principles. Make sure the bulk of your workouts are focused around the big compound lifts - squats, deadlifts, bent rows, bench press and overhead presses. Yes, you'll want some isolation exercises for arms, abs and calves, but keep the bulk of your energy & time focused on the lifts that are the proven-best muscle mass builders. And keep your ego in check - constantly trying for new personal record lifts (PRs) will hold back your gains. Endomorphs and some mesomorphs might gain noticeable muscle size from powerlifting workouts, but most ectomorphs will simply get a lot stronger without getting much bigger from that style of training.

Instead, aim to do 5 to ten sets for each exercise, with 8 to 12 reps per set. Don't rush through your sets, but instead do each of your reps using a count of 1-2 seconds on the concentric portion of the lift and 3-5 seconds for the eccentric portion. (You can always tell which is the concentric portion for any lift - it's the part where the muscle you're working is getting shorter and contracting. Consider the upward motion of squats, deadlifts, rows, etc, and the downward motion of triceps pushdowns, etc.)

Rest between sets is important too. You'll see a lot about time-under-tension (TUT) that suggests you keep intra-set breaks to 30 or 40 seconds max, but that's not always the best advice for true hardgainers - resting 30 seconds between sets burns 50% more calories than 3-minute rests according to Dr. Jim Stoppani. While a high volume of sets and 3-minute breaks per set would take way too long, aim to get about a minute rest between sets.

Keep your form strict, and use weights that let you get 10 or 12 reps on your first few sets without breaking form, but that only let you get 6 to 8 reps on your last couple of sets. If, on those last couple of sets you can't get 6 reps then the weight is too heavy. Conversely, if you still get to ten reps on your last set keep going to failure on that set, then increase the weight for your next workout til you're back in that 6-8 rep range for your last set.

In many, if not most cases, hardgainers' fast metabolisms allow their bodies to repair themselves fairly quickly. Because of that, be sure to work each bodypart at least twice per week - in fact, a full-body workout on 3 non-consecutive days is often ideal.

Hardgainer Tip #3: Eat Clean, Eat Healthy & Eat MORE 

Anyone trying to be a bodybuilder needs to consume plenty of calories every day - and hardgainers need to consume a LOT more clean calories than others would. Yes, you have tons of energy. That's courtesy of your faster metabolism and it's habit of burning glucose, glycogen, carbohydrates and protein to keep you supercharged. But let go of the concept that you 'can eat anything' - that's a common myth amongst hardgainers because they don't put on much bodyfat from a poor diet. You need to understand that too many simple carbs on a regular basis can dull your insulin receptors. Not only can that lead to Type 2 Diabetes down the road, but insulin is the main transport for glucose into the muscles where that glucose is stored as glycogen and is used to fuel muscle activity.

Instead, plan to eat a cleaner diet with plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Start by figuring your daily requirements using this simple formula: you want to consume 15 calories for every pound you weigh - so at 150 pounds you'd start with 2,250 calories per day. You want at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, and in our example that 150-pound person would eat 150 grams of protein, meaning 600 calories would come from their daily protein intake. Twenty to twenty-five percent of their calories (450 - 560 calories) should come from healthy fats, so that means the remaining 1,090 to 1,200 calories should come from carbohydrate sources like yams, brown, red or black rice, oatmeal and greens.

Remember, though, that your goal is to become a bodybuilder with plenty of lean muscle mass - which means you don't want to stay at that 150 pounds. Once you're nutrition is on point as detailed above, you can start adding in more calories. Start by adding 500 calories to your day and give it a couple of weeks to see the results. If you're building muscle without adding belly fat, add another 500 calories the following month, etc. If you have trouble eating bigger meals, get the extra calories from adding a meal or two to your day - eat 4 or 5 times a day instead of 3 times per day.

In most cases, hardgainers don't eat right and don't eat enough. Don't be that guy or girl - pay attention to proper nutrition and be sure to consume all your required calories every single day!

Hardgainer Tip #4: Get Enough Sleep 

One great truism for bodybuilders is that muscles are worked in the gym, fed in the kitchen and built in the bedroom - while you sleep. Not getting enough sleep will prevent you from every being a true bodybuilder - remember, as an ectomorph you need everything to be just right in your routine. There's no sense to putting a ton of effort into your workouts and tearing down the muscles if you're not going to feed the muscles right and then sleep long enough to allow your body to repair and rebuild those muscles, making them bigger to meet the anticipated progressive resistance they're going to face in future.

In today's real world very few people can get 8 or 9 hours of sleep every night, but you can certainly come close if your goal as a skinny guy or girl is to become a bodybuilder. You don't NEED to be on social media for hours every night, you don't NEED to be texting friends til all hours of the night, and you don't NEED to hit the clubs every single weekend. A busy social life won't get you the muscles you want - but smart training, proper nutrition and 7 - 9 hours of sleep every night will. It all comes down to how badly you want it, right?

Hardgainer Tip #5: Strategic Supplementation 

Walk into ANY professional bodybuilding supplement store and you'll find more than enough options to completely empty your wallet, melt your debit and credit cards and leave you in debt. Fortunately for you, hardgainers can skip all but 3 or 4 of them...

For example, chances are they have a large selection of pre-workout potions and pills. But with your fast metabolism and all the carbs you're eating, you've already got more energy than you know what to do with, coupled with the determination that you'll do WHATEVER it reasonably takes to pack on bigger muscles.

So just what SHOULD you consider?

First and foremost, find a good whey protein or whey isolate powder. I don't advise getting one of the high-calorie weight-gain protein blends, since most are jam-packed with simple sugars. Instead, look for a good, clean source of whey, and choose a flavour you like. Mix it with water or 2% milk, and have one each morning on rising since your body has no dietary protein left at that point. Then have a protein shake an hour before your workout and as soon as reasonably possible after your workout. Remember that the bulk of your protein requirements should be coming from whole foods - chicken, eggs, turkey, fish, lean beef, etc. - so you're just topping that protein up at the times when your body can make the best use of it.

Second up is Creatine. Creatine is probably the single most-studied bodybuilding supplement, and scientific study after study has shown it to be very a very effective muscle-building aid. Throw a teaspoon of Creatine into a glass of water and drink it down at some point during the day on rest days, and both before and after your workout on training days.

Rounding out the big 3 is Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's), namely leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The purpose to supplementing with them is to help build your muscles, and they're believed to also help keep your existing muscle mass from being cannibalized during intense workouts. Get the pills or powder and have them before, during and immediately following your workouts.

Bonus Hardgainer Tip: 

Perseverance and patience have to be your guiding lights through your bodybuilding journey. As a skinny guy or girl it will take longer to build muscle mass, and you have to be consistent - while others may see gains while skipping workouts, straying off-diet, etc., you need to be reasonably strict with yourself. But fear not - follow the 5 Hardgainer Tips above and you'll get the results you're aiming for in due course.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Champigny

Quick Tricep Workouts

Triceps, when properly weight-trained, make up two-thirds of your upper arm's overall size. As such, it's better to do a quick tricep workout than to skip it when your gym time is tight. If it's absolutely necessary to skip a bodypart when training arms, better you should skip biceps than triceps if you're looking to develop upper arm muscle mass.

Your triceps brachii muscles have 3 heads - the long head, medial head and lateral head. They run down the back of your upper arm, from shoulder to elbow, and are mostly involved in extending your elbow to straighten your arm. The concentric portion of each rep contracts your triceps and fully straightens your arms, while the eccentric portion lowers the weight by allowing the elbow to bend to 90 degrees or more.

While twice the size of your biceps, the triceps are still one of the smaller bodyparts and can recover more quickly that larger muscle groups like legs, back and chest. This means you can work your triceps 2 - 3 times per week on non-consecutive days, but be careful not to use heavier weights than you can manage with proper form to prevent damaging your elbow ligaments or joint.

If you're training time is limited during a workout, use these three exercises to work the triceps, doing 3 or 4 sets of 10 reps each. Don't rush the reps - use a cadence of 1 second up and 3 seconds down with no pause or rest at the top or bottom of each movement.

Lying Triceps Extensions

Also known as 'skullcrushers', lying triceps extensions start with you lying flat on the bench with your arms straight up above you, perpendicular to your body. The exercise can be done with dumbbells, a straight bar, a cambered (EZ curl) bar or the specialized triceps bar. Start by slowly lowering the weight to your forehead then return it back to the top position at a faster speed. At the end of each set, go immediately into the next exercise with no break.

Narrow-Grip Bench Press

The second half of this triceps superset is the narrow-grip bench press. If you're using a triceps bar then you'll automatically have a narrow grip already, but if not then be sure your grip is about shoulder width or a touch narrower. Going any narrower than that places too much strain on the wrists at the bottom of the movement, so if you find your wrists getting sore widen your grip slightly. Since you're already lying on the bench in the proper position, lower the weights to your chest while keeping your elbows tucked close to your body, then raise the weight directly up by extending your arms. Do not let your elbows drift out to the sides as this involves the pectoral muscles of the chest more than you want it to - keep the tension on your triceps as the weight moves up and down.

Because you're supersetting this press with the extensions the weight won't be as heavy as you could do otherwise, so you can compensate by either doing a few more reps per set or slowing each rep down, especially on the eccentric (lowering) portion of each rep. At the end of your set rest for about a minute, then go back to the lying extensions to begin your next set. Perform the full cycle 3 - 4 times before moving on to the third exercise.

Overhead Triceps Extensions

Sit up on your bench with your feet flat on the floor and a neutral or slightly-arched lower back. Using two hands, suspend a dumbbell overhead so that it rests perpendicular to the floor - your thumbs and forefingers should be wrapped around the handle while your palms and other fingers are pressed against the underside of the top bell to support the weight. Keeping your elbows facing forward and tucked close to the sides of your head, bend your elbows and slowly lower the weight as far down as you can behind your head, then return the weight back up to directly overhead. Your upper arms should not move during the exercise but instead stay upright and close to your head.

Other Triceps Exercises

The three exercises above will give you quick tricep workouts that are effective in building more muscle, but if you need to replace any of them due to injury or other physical issues, replace the necessary exercise with dumbbell kickbacks. Kickbacks have been shown to stimulate all 3 heads during each rep, so it's your best replacement exercise. Other triceps exercises like pushdowns, rope pushdowns, overhead cable extensions and triceps dips are good too, but save them for your workouts where time isn't limited and you can fit one or more of them in with these three.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Champigny

How To Gain Strength Naturally

If you glance through weightlifting magazines on occasion, you could be forgiven for thinking it takes all kinds of pills and potions, legal and otherwise, to build any true strength. But there's good news if you're trying to learn how to gain strength naturally... Progressive-resistance exercise, proper nutrition and plenty of rest are all that's really required.

In the freeweight area of any gym you'll find 3 types of people: powerlifters training for strength, bodybuilders building for size and powerbuilders aiming for a combination of both. They may be doing the same exercises, especially the multi-joint compound exercises like squats and deadlifts, but each follows a different path in the gym.

If your goal is to get stronger naturally, you'll be emulating the powerlifters most closely. Your exercise program will be built mostly around compound exercises, but instead of just the deadlifts, squats and bench presses the powerlifters focus on you'll also be adding exercises for your shoulders, triceps and biceps. The standing or seated overhead press, narrow-grip bench press and standing barbell curls are all common choices.

The Workouts: 

Strength training involves lifting weights closer to your maximum ability, so longer rests between sets and exercises are necessary to let your strength, heart rate and breathing return closer to normal before starting the next set. Aim for a break of 1 - 2 minutes between warm-up sets and about 3 minutes between your heavy sets. For each exercise, start with one or two warmup sets with lighter loads to warm up the joints and muscles, then do your working sets. Five sets of five reps is common for those starting out in strength training, while more experienced lifters may go to 10 sets of 3 reps.

For a 5x5 workout, your working sets should be with a weight that allows you to do 5 reps on your first 3 sets, 3 or 4 on your fourth set and 2 to 3 on your fifth set. The weight stays the same for all 5 sets. If you can't get 5 clean reps on the first 3 sets the weight is too heavy for you - dial it back a notch. At the opposite end, if you get all 5 reps done in all 5 sets, raise the weight A BIT starting at your next workout. Don't go for huge jumps and risk hurting yourself - you can always go up again on the next workout if you get all 25 reps in again. For best results, aim to do 2 or 3 full-body workouts per week at first, on non-consecutive days. By your 2nd or 3rd year you'll be lifting heavily enough you may want to do split routines, doing the whole body over 2 days, but by then you'll know your body and it's abilities well enough to make your own decision on that. And make no mistake - skipping workouts will hold back your progress more than just about any other reason.

The most important thing to remember is to stick very strictly to proper form on every workout - injuries, especially severe injuries, are usually the result of not performing the exercise optimally. Don't be tempted to cheat on your form for those last few reps to try and get there faster - an injury can set you back for months, years, or even permanently. Observe all standard safety precautions, and always train with a partner/spotter.

If you're new to weightlifting you'll probably be able to increase the weights you're using regularly, but over time you'll find the gains take longer and may even stop for a while. If and when you reach a plateau like that and you've had no increase in strength for a few months, take a week or ten days off to let your body heal fully and then start back at it with a drop of about 20% in the weights you lift. Don't worry, you'll gain that 20% back fairly quickly and most likely continue on right past that former sticking point.

The Nutrition: 

You're asking your body to constantly face progressive resistance, lifting heavier than you ever have before as you gain strength naturally. For that to be possible you have to give your body what it needs - enough protein, carbohydrates and dietary fats. The amounts and ratio of them vary from person to person, so do prudent research into it or hire a registered nutritionist to help you set up your meal plan. For the purpose of this article, just realize that you'll most likely need to eat more of each - protein so your muscles can strengthen and grow in strength, carbohydrates to power your workouts and daily activities and clean dietary fats to protect and lubricate your joints. Being deficient in any of the 3 can impede your progress, so learn to eat clean, eat well and eat enough!

The Recovery: 

In the gym you've tortured and torn your muscles (micro-tears) to make your body repair them and make them stronger. You've also taxed your ligaments and tendons extremely. So once you leave the gym after each session you need to give your body time to heal. This is why you don't train the same bodyparts on consecutive days, and why you're following better nutritional guidelines. But it goes well beyond that...

Most of the repairs are done by the night crew - in other words, while you're asleep. For maximal recovery that means getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night every night. In today's world it's often almost impossible to do that every night, but aim to get that much sleep as many nights a week as you can. It CAN be done - skip a TV show, shut down on social media earlier, etc. And you most likely won't have trouble getting to sleep at night - your body will be screaming for it!

Avoid going to the gym on your scheduled rest days - in fact, try to avoid additional strenuous or taxing activities as much as possible - remember you're in repair and recovery mode between workouts. Obviously most people can't avoid it all, especially if your occupation requires it, but do the best you can if you're seriously looking to get stronger.

If you don't know it already, one thing you'll quickly learn from looking into how to build strength naturally is that for those who get the best results it's a lifestyle, not a hobby. As with most good things in life, what you get in results will depend in large part on what you put into it. Is it easy? No. But you'll find it's definitely worth it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Champigny

Kettlebell Workout for Beginners

Russian kettlebells were developed in the 1700s by farmers to weigh their crops. Now these farmers were so strong and chiseled that eventually word spread about how effective they were that and eventually in the Soviet army incorporated kettlebell exercise into their strength training and conditioning program. That said, kettlebell exercises continue to yield amazing results for those seeking athletic conditioning and weight.

So what is the main difference between conventional weights and kettlebells? One thing and that is kettlebells are entirely ballistic. It means that Russian kettlebells are cannon ball-shaped weights that have thick handles and these were primarily designed to be dynamic when propelled by all forms of mechanical force. In simple words, these weights are primary intended to be swung around.

When you are capable of gathering ample force and speed, you will be able to easily propel the kettlebells up and lock them over your head. Kettlebells would follow the fixed trajectory once swung unless extra press and push forces will be applied to them. While kettlebells are heavy and round, you may incur injuries when you use them incorrectly, so always keep your eyes on the kettlebells.

The first thing that you should ask yourself before starting a Kettlebell workout is how fit and strong you are to manage these ballistic weights? Now I'm not trying to dissuade you using them, in fact I'd be elated if everyone on the planet used Kettlebells at least once a week.. On the other hand, you should be realistic and think about your ability to carry weights and follow the given instructions. If you truly believe you're capable (and I know you are) then now is the best time for you to start working out with kettlebells.

You may find kettlebells inside the gyms or you may purchase one and choose to start working out in the comfort of your home. There are more enthusiasts of Russian kettlebell across the globe who have faith in the effectiveness of kettlebells and yet, these same people are not trekking to gym to use them. They swing then snatch their kettlebells in their own backyard or at the local park. All they need is their kettlebell and an open space. That's all.

I strongly recommend that you buy your own kettlebells so that you can work out in the comfort and convenience of your own home. Any kettlebell workout for beginners can be completed in just 10 minutes or less. This will depend on how motivated you are and how eager you are to learn another training method. The most valuable kettlebell exercise that you may learn these days is the Russian kettlebell swing. There are numerous variations of this particular kettlebell workout yet the base exercise is the known as the Single Hand Kettlebell Swing.

I suggest that you do this exercise every other day performing 3 sets of 12 repetitions while you carry the heaviest kettlebell that you can swing. This particular rule is applicable for both women and men. It is just that the weight requisites vary for men and ladies. You just have to look for the kettlebell that would challenge you enough so that you will be having the best workout without straining your muscles.

To do the Single Hand Kettlebell Swing, grip the kettlebell firmly then maintain a neutral spine as you swing the kettlebell back. The rear side of your hand must be level to the floor. As you bring the kettlebell back up, you should bring your hips towards to the floor to generate the ballistic force needed to propel you upward. If your kettlebell is already positioned level to your chest then you allow it to drop back then swing down.

Richard been training with Russian kettlebells for more than ten years. In that time, I've gained a huge amount of knowledge about Russian kettlebell training. As a kettlebell expert, it is my goal to help anyone who wishes to cut fat and sculpt their muscles in half the time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_P_Jones

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