How to Take Creatine - For Maximum Results

If you look at the products in a health food store or at any of the online supplement retailers, you're sure to see plenty of different creatine products. There's one simple reason why creatine is virtually everywhere these days - it flat out works. Yes, creatine is a supplement that delivers on promises to make you bigger and stronger. Creatine works by helping your body to have more energy-producing ATP, which helps you to work out harder. We all know what happens when you work out with more intensity, right? Skeletal muscle mass increases.

What Type to Take

Now that you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that creatine works, it's time to think about how to add creatine to your supplement regiment. You don't want to just buy the cheapest creatine powder and start choking it down. You have to use the right approach to get the most from creatine supplements. Like all of your other supplements, you have to follow a planned, meticulous approach in order to get the best results.

Choose Quality

Your first step will be choosing the creatine product that's best for you. It really does make sense to go with the best quality creatine that you can afford. While you can get some good gains from any type of creatine, the purer the product that you take, the better your results will be. Some creatine powders include carbohydrates to help deliver the creatine monohydrate to your bloodstream. You can purchase one of these types of supplements, or simply order plain creatine powder and take it with grape juice to get the same effect. Be sure to buy good creatine from a reputable manufacturer to avoid wasting your money on sub-par products.

Creatine Loading

When you first start to take creatine, you'll want to do so on a creatine loading phase. This phase should last a week, and you should consume between 20 and 50 grams of creatine a day. You won't have to consistently use such high doses of creating monohydrate or creating phosphate, but it does help to saturate your bloodstream with adequate amounts of creatine at the beginning of a cycle.

Maintenance Doses

After you finish the creatine loading phase, cut back to taking between 5 and 20 grams of creatine every day for 4 to 6 weeks. You should start to notice increases in strength and size by the second or third week, so stay with your doses for the next few weeks to keep those gains coming. After 6 weeks, stop taking creatine for a week or two, and then start over with the loading phase again.

Faster Gains

If you follow the guidelines listed above, you should start to notice increased lean body mass and strength. Your second cycle may not be as dramatic as the first, but you should still see consistent gains in lean muscle mass. If you get to a point where you are no longer seeing gains, take a month off of creatine, and then start over with creating loading again. If you stick with this game plan, you'll see how good creatine works to build plenty of lean muscle mass.

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